Sunday, August 4, 2019

Freedom Essay -- essays research papers

I believe rationality is incorrectly dictated by society. Generally when one is irrational he or she is contradicting the "normal" or what everyone is programmed to do. Kant says "Can you also will that your maxim should become a universal law."1 In part I agree to the theory of universal law where "rational" is judged by universality or what everyone should do. In fact we know that primitive societies were not built on rationality. I believe that we are intrinsically rational and irrational. In my opinion , taking the daouist view, having the ability to be rational and irrational, a hybrid of both, gives an individual the ability to be rational. Kant says "These, so far from hiding a good will or disguising it, rather bring it out by contrast and make it shine forth more brightly."2 I like what Kant thinks here but I think the good will should be substituted with irrationality. For example in order to maintain the title rational while conformi ng to society's dictated rationality, one must do the following. Allow our irrational thoughts and ideas to manifest themselves in private and then refine and hide them for public display. When an individual is accepted or titled as rational they are universally accepted (universal law). Irrationality must be well disguised at first to gain universal acceptance along with the sister word "credibility." Once credibility has been established, undress the irrational. This first step to ...

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